Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Quadriceps exercises are important in keeping your legs strong to alllungeow for the highest level of flexibility, as well as to prevent injury. Developing your quadriceps not only helps to guard against muscle injuries, but can also help to support the knee joint and protect it from injury.


Squats are undeniably the king of all quadriceps exercises and tops the list as the Most Effective Quadriceps Exercise. Squats involve more than 256 muscles in one movement! Squats will not only build your quadriceps, Squats will also help build the hamstrings and lower back as they are two of the major secondary muscles being use. Besides developing your quadriceps, the huge testosterone boost an intense set of squats will give you will even help you build your upper body.

Muscles targeted while performing Squats are the Quadriceps. Secondary muscles (Synergists/Stabilizers) used while performing Squats are Gluteus Maximus, Adductor Magnus, Soleus, Hamstrings, Gastrocnemius, Erector Spinae, Rectus Abdominis and Obliques.

Barbell Lunge

Barbell Lunges are an intense quadriceps exercise that you can use to tone and shape your legs. Barbell Lunges focuses on the quadriceps muscles and also works the hamstrings and gluteus maximus muscles in the process. While we all strive to develop our quadriceps, some are known to overlook the less obvious muscle groups. The hip adductors and abductors are prime examples of overlooked muscle groups. Although they are relatively small and barely visible, when compared to the overall quadriceps, they add to the hip stability and over all thigh mass and are critical to athletic performance. Barbell Lunges are known to be a great quadriceps exercise while also contributing significantly to the development of hips adductors and abductors. For those reasons Barbell Lunges is rated one of the Most Effective Quadriceps Exercises.

Muscles targeted while performing Barbell Lunges are the Quadriceps. Secondary muscles (Synergists/Stabilizers) used while performing Barbell Lunges are Gluteus Maximus, Adductor Magnus, Soleus, Hamstrings, Gastrocnemius, Erector Spinae, Tibialis Anterior, Gluteus Medius and Gluteus Minimus.

Keep changing your variations of the exercises and the weight to keep your muscles guessing! These also work your core! Anything were you have to hold your form yourself and not use a machine, incorporates you core muscles!! ;o)

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